Forest Professional

Whether you protect, research or manage forests, this movement needs your voice and skill.

In the woods or the office, you’re making a difference.

Looking for the latest information available on forests, ecological forestry, and climate change? Or, are you wondering how you can best serve woodlot owners keen to manage their forests differently? Look no further! Join the Maritime Forest Accord to find information, guidance, and collaborators.


Against the Grain

After a decade overseeing industrial tree planting operations in British Columbia, Shawn McGrath is re-imagining the forestry practices that cause such destruction, and is restoring the naturally diverse Acadian forest one woodlot at a time.

Read Full Story: Against the Grain

When you look at the entire landscape, we’re really only practicing businesses as usual on the landscape, and our economic and educational systems funnel into it. I see so much potential that hasn’t yet been tapped into.

Shawn McGrath

Frequently Asked

How can I help landowners adapt to climate change?

There is new research published regularly on the impacts of climate change on the Acadian forest. In our resource directory, you’ll find a link to climate-adaptive silviculture prescriptions that guide practical management interventions for increased climate resilience and carbon storage at the stand level.

How can I access subsidies for silviculture interventions?

Silviculture funding is accessed and allocated differently, depending on the province. Reach out to your local marketing board or woodlot owner association to see how to access silviculture funding in your province.

How can I make selective harvesting financially feasible?

There are research projects trying to make the business case for ecological forestry methods, demonstrating that healthy mature forests produce a sustained yield of high-quality forest products at a lower price over the long-term, relative to short-rotation forestry. Other emerging markets are also in development and those too will increase demand for ecological forestry services.

Where can I learn about forest pests and diseases?

The Canadian Forest Service has all the most recent information on pests and disease, and it’s a great place to start your research. Organizations in this region, including the Medway Community Forest Coop and the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute, have also been doing applied research on forest pests and often hold workshops.

Wood bioenergy has a lot of potential, but is contested. Can it be done right?

Biomass harvesting that removes tops, branches, and below-ground biomass strips nutrients from the forest and destroys habitats. Harvesting low-grade pulpwood, in a selective manner and with the intent of improving a stand's health and diversity, could be acceptable for bioenergy. The important thing is that procurement chains are transparent, so that bioenergy projects are driving ecological forest management, not destructive practices.

En Français

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Please fill out the following form to help us build the Maritime Forest Accord, a vision for responsible forest stewardship across the Maritimes.

Finding Bright Spots

The forest needs your leadership.

When it comes to ecological forest management, there are bright spots all across the Maritimes. There are people like you developing new business models, experimenting with alternative forest products, and leading research on the impacts of climate change on forests. Working in the woods is one of the most rewarding and important professions there is. We know you want to do good work in the forest, and we built this website to support you in this.

Through the Maritime Forest Accord, you can connect with like-minded individuals, whether professional collaborators or clients. You’ll also find the resources you need to help landowners reach their goals and you’ll discover tools to help you apply climate-smart forest management techniques. Whether you protect, advise, research, or harvest, this movement needs your voice and skill as a forest professional.

While you’re here, please share your vision for the Wabanaki forest. Your participation will help show that there is a critical mass of individuals championing the health of the Wabanaki forest for all.