The Lichens in Your Woodlot

The wonder of one of the most overlooked organisms that surround us each time we set foot in the forest

Posted Feb 16, 2022


On February 16, 2022, join Brad Toms, Wildlife Biologist at the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute, for an exciting webinar about the lichens.

Brad Toms started working as a Wildlife Biologist for MTRI in 2009. Previous to that he studied seabirds and other bird species at risk for Canadian Wildlife Service, Massasauga Rattlesnakes for Parks Canada and Black Bears for the Ontario MNRF. Brad’s projects almost always focus on recovering species at risk in Nova Scotia through collaborative studies and stewardship. In his spare time he enjoys staring at the ocean looking for pelagic seabirds, orienteering and spending time at Shingle Lake.

This webinar is part of the 2022 Woodland Conferences, which are organized annually by a hardworking committee of representatives from several Nova Scotia groups interested in forestry. This year, our provincial committee includes partners from the Nova Scotia Department of Resources ad Renewables, Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association (Provincial Coordinator), Association for Sustainable Forestry, Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute, Western Woodlot Services Co-op, and two private woodlot owners. Additionally, each regional planning committee is comprised of local partners.

Event Details


Wed, Feb 16 2022


7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Atlantic



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